
Overnight Care

Your needs may not stop at the end of the day, so why should your care? That’s why our warm, experienced carers are there to provide overnight care so you and your loved one can rest comfortably from dusk to dawn.

We recognise that everyone is different, and no two situations are the same, which is why each overnight package is tailored to meet your needs. Whether that be administering medication, moving position in bed, or assisting with toilet breaks, your very own dedicated carer is on hand to ensure the wee small hours pass in security and comfort.


Is it for me?

If you find yourself asking if overnight is right for you, consider the following ways it can help:

  • Support in administering medication throughout the night

  • Assisting with toilet or bathing needs

  • Better overall health for family or other carers by being able to rest through the night

  • Allows the service users to stay and be cared for at home

  • Help changing position in bed (particularly useful after surgery or injury)

  • Help with complex or progressive needs, such as dementia, from our nursing-led team

  • Assistance in starting the day, preparing breakfast and giving medication where necessary

How does it work?


Typically, our bespoke overnight care packages work on a waking basis. This means that your fully-trained carer is on duty throughout the night, allowing them to provide continuous and immediate support when needed.

The higher-level of care entailed within a waking service often suits those who are affected by more complex or progressive needs and who therefore may require regular support and reassurance throughout the night.

As with all our services, the level of care is tailored to suit your needs, and as such our carers are available for as long or short a time as necessary. A typical overnight package, however, runs from 8pm - 8am.

What Our Customers Say

I want to tell you how wonderful your ladies are who came to Colonsay to care for Euan and my mother. They were endlessly caring, kind and gentle; all that you could hope for in looking after loved ones. And more than that, they were happy and fun and their company gave real pleasure to Euan and my mother. Could you thank them all, with special love to Priscilla, Magda and Sheila. And thank you too for having such a wonderful team.
— Rupert

How much might it cost?

As a not-for-profit social enterprise, one of our aims is to ensure our care packages are as accessible and affordable as possible so that more older adults can receive the help and assistance they need in the place they call home.

For the price of the Overnight Care please refer to our PRICE LIST. Each service is uniquely built around the needs of you and your loved one, so we recommend giving one of our friendly staff a call on 0141 266 0001. This way we can have a chat about what level of care might be needed, the cost involved, and different funding routes that suit your circumstances the cost involved, and different funding routes that suit your circumstances.

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What level of care is right for you? Speak to our experts today.

0141 266 0001