What our service users say

Open communication between ourselves, our services users, and their families is key to our care planning. We regularly conduct spot checks and distribute surveys to ensure service user satisfaction and foster our continuous improvement. You can find some quotes and reviews from our happy service users below.


Service User

What is the impact of having a support worker in an island community? 

Having a local worker on the ground means having someone who truly understands the local culture, customs, and way of life. This can help companies provide more personalized and culturally sensitive services to their customers, which is crucial in today's hyper-connected world. Moreover, having a local worker can help build a sense of trust and respect between the company and the local people. By employing someone from their community, companies can show that they care about the people they serve. This can create a sense of camaraderie and loyalty, which can lead to long-term relationships. Finally, a good carer can act as an ambassador for the company in the future. Having a local worker on the ground is not just about providing support to the company; it's about creating a connection with the community. It's about showing empathy and understanding towards the people you serve, which is the foundation of any successful business.

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If you’ve experienced The No. 1 Care Agency in some way, please leave us your feedback and reviews via TrustPilot. You can find the link here.

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